Thursday, August 23, 2007

IMS video share

AT&T has an advert on its web site to promote its IMS-enabled video-share service. It's a valiant effort to highlight to users the value of real-time video sharing as a complement to calls. Useful as it is, video share is unlikely to be the long-awaited IMS killer app.

Click here for AT&T's video share


Anonymous said...

While the author may believe the AT&T Video Share capability is not a 'killer application', I strongly believe there is a near-term opportunity to use the technology with those suffering with chronic illness.

Unknown said...

Please see the use of "killer application" in the following white paper which appeared in TMC Net
I quote, "Additionally, we see that video is becoming the next “killer application,” as evidenced by its wide adoption by the 3G market." unquote.