"Sorry to be boring, but I reckon femtocells will be the big issue in 2008. There is massive industry momentum behind the idea, but still loads of issues to short out in a short time, including the business case, service proposition and how to actually integrate millions of the things into cellular networks.
If I can cheat and have two top issues, then network sharing will also be big in 2008, as operators realise it's the only way to afford all the investments they have ahead.
As for the hot acronym,funnily enough it might be HSPA+, as people realise that they don't need 3G LTE for the forseeable future if they implement femtocells and broadcast networks."
If I can cheat and have two top issues, then network sharing will also be big in 2008, as operators realise it's the only way to afford all the investments they have ahead.
As for the hot acronym,funnily enough it might be HSPA+, as people realise that they don't need 3G LTE for the forseeable future if they implement femtocells and broadcast networks."
Alastair Brydon, CEO and co-founder of Sound Partners Ltd